selective focus photography of black vinyl player

Welcome to today’s Old School New School Buffet with IrishJ! Prepare to embark on a musical journey that transcends time, featuring legendary old school classics and the freshest new school hits. Join us as we groove to the timeless tunes of yesteryear and discover the latest tracks shaking up the airwaves.



This Week’s New School Playlist:

  • Bon Jovi – Living Proof
  • Childish Gambino – Little Foot Big Foot
  • New Kids On the Block – Magic
  • Orla Gartland – Little Chaos
  • Sasha Alex Sloan – Cowboys Cry
  • Slash – Papa was a Rolling Stone feat. Demi Lovato
  • Teya – Not Scared Of Growing Old
  • Arthur Hill – John Wayne
  • NxWorries – From Here Featuring Snoop Dogg
  • SMYL – Oblivion
  • The Warning – Burnout
  • Thomas Day – Pretender
  • and more


Week 5

Join us as we fuse the best of old and new school vibes, creating a sonic experience unlike any other. Tune in and let the nostalgia wash over you while discovering the future of music. Don’t miss out on today’s show – it’s going to be epic!

Stay connected with us on social media using #weareunheard

By Editor