Home Schooling Quarantine Blues
By definition … A quarantine is a restriction on the movement of people and goods which is intended to prevent the spread of disease or pests. It is often used in connection to disease and illness, preventing the movement of those who may have been exposed to a communicable disease, but do not have a confirmed medical diagnosis.
To all of us it is Home Schooling, Masks and building a relationship with the four walls around us.
No Worries
I got you …with 30min Mashed. Supplied in video and audio for your viewing and listening pleasure. The video component in this mix has some of the most memorable dance and movie moments. A little nasty, fun and exciting.
WARNING: Parental Advisory is suggested went a little PG -13.
Welcome to Totally Mashed! Each week I will showcase some of my Mashups and others for your enjoyment.
WHAT: A mashup is a creative work, usually in a form of a song, created by blending two or more pre-recorded songs, usually by superimposing the vocal track of one song seamlessly over the instrumental track of another, increasing the tempo and pitch while adding or reducing gaps to make it flow.
Rock pop soul funk and more. From Beyonce to Def Leppard, Johnny cash to The Commodores and that is just a taste of the artists in this weeks 30 min Mashup.