Post Tagged with: "we"

Strange but true Volume 1

A marvel doctor and a condiment cure

We are Unheard One of the lead scientists that was developing the atomic bomb was named…Dr. Lewis G. Doom. (I.e., Doctor Doom.) Truly he was the right man for the job. This is Strange but true.  In a moment … A condiment cure. A condiment cure Medicine is and has always been a sure for the quick popular fix and when it came to popular medicine, Ketchup was all the rage. In 1834, Ketchup was […]

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Totally-Mashed-Holiday Edition

A Elf got off the shelf and took over Totally Mashed

A Elf took over Totally Mashed! This week, I found at my desk while working on Totally Mashed. A little Elf was off of the shelf and complaining about how I never do any holiday music. At the pole we always listen to …Ok Ok I get it. So why don’t we do this weeks mash together? She thought it was a great I idea then I got hit with a skittle in the eye […]

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Something old Something New Desk

What Could Have Been

What could have been is an incredible question. Back in the day, an artist would walk into a radio station. They would have a copy of their new music. Handing this brand spanking new album to the DJ for a first listen. this was something that had people run crank the volume. New music! So many artists have not had this opportunity. Thanks to the growth of social media. Artists have had an opportunity with […]

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