Post Tagged with: "The"

St. Patrick’s Day Fun Facts – Green Triumphs Over Blue: The Evolution of St. Patrick’s Day Colors

St. Patrick’s Day is a sea of green Green Triumphs Over Blue! Did you know that it wasn’t always the color associated with this celebration? Our third fun fact takes you on a journey. Exploring the shift from blue to green in the visual palette of St. Patrick’s Day. Official in 1798 In 1798, the color green officially claimed its place in St. Patrick’s Day celebrations, replacing the once-dominant blue. The royal courts and ancient […]

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Springsteen’s CD Truly was Born In The USA

On Sept. 21, 1984, CBS opened up the first American compact disc pressing plant in Terre Haute, Ind. The first disc to come off the production line was Bruce Springsteen’s Born in the U.S.A., which had been released three months earlier. Given the album’s title and the spotlight on the plight of the American worker contained in many of his songs, it made perfect sense that Springsteen’s album became the first American-made CD. The format had been […]

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From my desk to your ears 1/15

From my desk Each week we dig into the bosses desk and find out what we might be playing next or what are some tracks that we might find as an ultimate earworm. What’s an earworm your may ask? An earworm, sometimes referred to as a brainworm, sticky music, stuck song syndrome, or, involuntary Musical Imagery. Catchy and/or memorable piece of music or saying that continuously occupies a person’s mind even after it is no […]

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