Celebrating Diversity in Sound: Totally Mashed Volume 1 for 2024!

Happy New Year! Step into the groove of 2024, Totally Mashed Volume 1 for 2024 is here. there’s no better way to kickstart the year than with a blend of rhythms and melodies that transcend genres and boundaries. Welcome to “Totally Mashed,” the ultimate rendezvous. A musical fusion that breaks the conventional barriers and gives you a 30-minute auditory rollercoaster ride. With your host Flanagan.

In this volume, we’ve curated a sonic journey that showcases the vibrant tapestry of musical genres, featuring artists from rock, pop, hip hop, country, and beyond. Brace yourself for an electrifying mix that’ll keep you grooving from start to finish.

So, fasten your seatbelts, set aside 30 minutes of your time, and embark on a journey. Whether you’re a die-hard fan of one particular genre or a seeker of new auditory adventures, “Totally Mashed” promises to be a delight for your ears.

Stay tuned for future volumes as kick the new year into gear. Here’s to 2024!

Happy listening and a very Happy New Year from “Totally Mashed”!



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