
2020 30min Mash Review

2020 Totally Mashed 30min Review begins now!

This time we dig deep into the archives and create a unique playlist of all 30Min Mashed events of 2020.

So …in theory, by definition. A review is an evaluation of a publication, service, or company such as a movie, video game, musical composition, book; a piece of hardware like a car, home appliance, or computer; or an event or performance, such as a live music concert, play, musical theater show, dance show, or art exhibition.

Basically we should blow it up and create a unique opportunity to look back in this 2020 Totally Mashed 30min Review and grow or develop our craft. Like a doctor evaluating an fixing every little issue that arises. We can take this opportunity to look at the mechanics of the mash and the mix and see if we can go further.


The time is now to sit back and reflect on the killer mash ups and fun we had against the odds of 2020. Crack open a frosty beverage. put on your dancing shoes and let your hair down.

Turn up the radio and kick out the totally mashed jams 🙂  We had specialty Mixes. Like all request. Music showcases like Country mashed and more. Special Holiday Mash ups that included some exclusive content from the king of pop Michael Jackson and Vincent Price.

Totally Mashed, truly is a unique experience. with this platform in the last year we have reached hundreds of thousands of people. We have entertained them and given them a chance to listen to stuff that they have never heard before.

We are unheard.

In the coming weeks join us as we take this opportunity to use what we have learned and create some of the most amazing mashups as well as showcase very talented and creative DJ’s and producers from around the world.

Join us as we Totally Mash it up with rock and roll, country, pop, hip hop and R&B legends.